Wednesday, April 22, 2009

June 1, 2009

So a lot has happened in the past month and I mean a lot. I'd love to go into a lot of detail but there isn't much time tonight to put everything down. I'll try to do a quick run through for the only person that actually reads my blog. :)

So this girl Jane Doe. Kinda dated but were mostly just friends. Story goes, she ends up in intensive care for something entirely self-inflicted. This girl is completely unconscious for a day but finally pulled through and she tells us she tried to end it all. We're staying only friends now (and, as expected, I'm maintaining a certain distance...) and things have been difficult trying to make any sort of reconnection since. I think the complications arise mostly from the way we communicate or rather the lack thereof. I try to state everything as explicitly and as concise as possible and yet we keep running into a breakdown. She reminds me a lot of COATO and how she used to act so you can imagine how motivated I am in trying to make things work between us. I get more frustrated when she expects to be cosseted and have every text answered immediately. I have WAY too much going on to give her that time and attention but she doesn't seem to be getting the not-so-subtle hints...

Moving on... Family. HOLY WOW. So my brother was adopted and was recently reunited by this one random guy on national TV. It was crazy to have everything happen with Dan but it's been so great. His "old" family is so chill and it was really nice to meet them, especially his birth mom. I'm so happy that everything turned out so wonderful for him. It was a humbling experience to hear his mom say that she chose the family because of me so that Dan would always have an older brother. It's been incredible to see God's hand in all of this because so many things have been happening so perfectly. Providence is really what has made my family what it is today. I really love my family. It's been years since I've really meant that as strongly as I do now.

Doing the whole church thing again. I'm serious this time though, no going back. I really want to change my life to make it more in line with what I feel is right. It's been difficult because of my lifestyle, as most of you already know. And Curtis, I'm still not gay. :) I've been going to church, doing my reading but most importantly I've been praying more and have felt extra strength to make the right decisions hour to hour.

I have long hair. Finally. It can fit in a pony tail now without any real problems! Also, I got a better flat iron because my piece of shit one that I was using before wasn't cutting it. My Pink-Bedazzle Chi on the other hand does. PINK! I love buying pink things! I support the fight against breast cancer, what have you supported lately? And don't say Kanae because even Matt Stone and Trey Parker feel "ill will" for the poor, delusional douchebag. But anyway, it looked really sharp until I got chided at church for having long hair. You know, Jesus had long hair and we're supposed to be more like him.

It looks like closing on the condo has been delayed so I'm having to move back with the parents for a bit... Not more than a week, hopefully. B-town... *sigh* Well, could be worse. The good news is I don't have a roommate anymore! Not that my last roommate was bad but it's nice to finally have a place to myself again. I require a certain level of privacy to maintain my stability.

Went boating recently and got to see a bunch of old friends. It was great seeing Aho and Kendall and everyone else. I got to play captain Ahab on our little boat-scapade which I think was my favorite part. I also finally took Justin out for his birthday dinner. Heather decided to hang around for that one as well even though she had second thoughts. It being Justin he decided to head out to the Bayou and I bought. It's great to finally have that connection with my brother finally. If only you could have seen us when we were younger and living under the same roof... It's amazing what changes can happen in people.

Work moved into the new office. I can call myself a cubicle rat now because I LOVE the new cubie I've been placed in. It sucks being away from all the other IR Analysts but I'm surviving well enough. The funny thing is our office now looks much like Office Space. No lie. I swear, if someone comes up to me and asks if I'm having a "bad case of the Mondays" I'm going to punch them in the jugular and proceed to staple their clothing to the ground. Then I'd be off to beat down our copy machine... F***ing copy machine....

Anyway, that's all I have time to write. Look for an update much sooner!

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